Saturday, April 20, 2013

Longwinded progress update

Its been 5 whole trading days since I posted the initial growth of my fiver to £52 and its been a bit of a hairy 5 days in all honesty. From the top of my head it went something like this:

Wednesday: Started well and I was up to £100 bank by 4pm. I thought it was going to be linear progression from then on but in the evening I had a mini disaster on the dogs markets. For anyone who trades Greyhounds you'll know that RPGTV has now extended its coverage to 5 nights a week. Coventry coming in on Wednesdays and Sundays. I havent traded a Sunday and don't intend to, it's only coverage of the single meeting and I have better things to do, but Wednesday I expected to have taken off a bit after a few weeks. I was getting hammered in every market and started to lose patience, and money. It wasnt until later that I realised there was a Sky Sports meeting being broadcast at the same time (Kinsley) and I suspect a fair bit of potential liquidity was being diverted that way. So started to try to trade that and RPGTV meetings. Basically I got caught short doing a last second trade and ended up with a large unwanted bet. Typically the dog lost. It was a big set back, and the reason that you'll see a decent sized minus in the Greyhound column on the Screenprint below.

Thursday: As is the case when you have a bad day its important to try to forget it and start a fresh, and that's exactly what i did on Thursday. With the Craven meeting on at Newmarket the markets were fairly lively and again I started extremely well. I seem to have a slight issue however at a specific time of the day, usually from 4.30 to 6.30 when liquidity starts to dry up a little and I continue to do what i have been but not being able to get matched and finding the fill rate fairly awful. So I began to give back what I'd made yet again. frustrating to say the least. Then i struck some luck in the 5f dash at Wolves, a speculative £2 on a rank outsider (Forrest Edge I think it was called). It looked to be travelling perfectly well to me and scooted up the rail to win and land me £88 in the process. I did some US racing in the later evening and eventually packed in for the day with a balance of £220.

Friday:  I wasn't really on my game on Friday, I was starting to feel the effects of the previous 3 days and was trying to cheat and cut corners and look for big wins, rarely a strategy that is effective when you are growing a small balance. You simply can't sustain big swings in your P&L when you don't have much to begin with. I was punished for this approach and found myself yet again back at £50 come 9pm. That right there is exactly the sort of shit I need to cut out of my trading. I basically did too much Tues-Thurs and knackered myself out a bit and that resulted in me not caring as much as i should have. I pulled myself together enough trade late night markets on US racing and then straight into Oz. I managed £100 from the US markets which actually seem to have picked up considerably in the last week or two (more on that at a later date). Then £50 from OZ which would have been better had it not been for a couple of abandoned meetings which always has a adverse effect on markets.

Saturday: £200 starting point, £20 less than I started the previous day with. knackered from being up until 7am that morning I took a very slow and steady approach, it was all a bit up and down for the first hour and then it went mad, I'd suddenly been gifted the midus touch. Seemingly nothing could go wrong. The edited highlights would be: £78.88 in the 16.00 at Thirsk where i was trading 3 runners who all ended up in a photo for the win with rank outsider Itlaq coming out on top. £265.15 in the 16.30 at Naas where I had a speculative IR bet on Allegra Talk. It was one of those that I would have hedged far earlier than 1.33 but it literally collapsed in price (the bonus of being reactive as apposed to having predefined exit points is that on occasion you clean up). There were other good results of course, £70+ in the Hunters Chase at Bangor, another £70+ in a Naas race, and few decent enough wins at Nottingham in the early part of the evening. The Greyhounds however continue to to ellude me but at least I did manage £20 profit from the handful of races I did. Net result is that I had my best day in a little while at just short of £700 profit. Those sorts of days don't come along as often as they used to so needless to say I'm as happy as a fat kid eating cake :D

Still with me?? Congratulations if you made it through that lot! spare a thought for me, I had to live it! all 500+ markets!!

Anyway, it would be far too easy to go into Sundays racing beaming and over confident and fuck it up, so in the interest of protecting my hard earned I have withdrawn all bar £75 which will be my new bank when i wake up tomorrow lunchtime. Sun through to Tues can be tough so it won't do any harm to rebuild over those 3 days. Once I've made a few grand I'll adjust that strategy accordingly but the principle will largely remain the same.

Evening Turf racing is well under way now and unless we have similar weather to that of last year then I'm extremely optimistic of a cracking summer.

I'll update again in a few days regarding my progress with the £75 bank. before then I'll be back to post something that people might find a little more interesting.

Profit so far: £883.66

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